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.JZC-2817 Ultrasonic Label Cutting and Folding Machine (Roller Feeding).The length of the care labels has become longer and longer today due to more languages have been squeegeed into the labels, JZC-2817is a product that helps to ultrasonic cut and center fold long labels. High speed, quiet, smooth and user friendly control panel is the signature of our products. This machine can ultrasonic cut and center fold labels with a maximum length of 300mm(after fold 70mm) According to request, cold cut or hot cut module could be added on as optional. It also consists of the waste label removal function.


  • Add: No. 2, Waijia Avenue, Nanbin Street, Ruian City
  • Tel:13958808300 086-577-65337601 65320208
  • Fax: 086-577-65337602
  • mailbox: zhong@cnjdyj.cn zhou@cnjdyj.cn
  • QQ:903555072 1073604853
  • Web:www.hzanyang.com www.chinajingda.com

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