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JS-1041B five color double sided high-speed wheel transfer belt machine

★Product advantages

The main motor adopts brand-name motor inverter performance is more stable.

The crank-link type ink-discharging mechanism is used to make the large-sized ink surface uniform.

The automatic lubrication device makes the machine noise low.

Can be positive six, positive five anti-two, positive four anti-three simultaneous double-sided simultaneous printing.


  • Add: No. 2, Waijia Avenue, Nanbin Street, Ruian City
  • Tel:13958808300 086-577-65337601 65320208
  • Fax: 086-577-65337602
  • mailbox: zhong@cnjdyj.cn zhou@cnjdyj.cn
  • QQ:903555072 1073604853
  • Web:www.hzanyang.com www.chinajingda.com

Copyright@2018 Ruian Jingda Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.

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