
Welcome to Zhejiang ProvinceRuian Jingda Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.!


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.The main motor is famous in home and performance of the transducer is steadier.

.The crank connecting-rod wavers structure is adopted for large and equal ink quantity.

.The machine has low noise for the automatic lubricating equipment.

.You can print double sides at the same time, such as front six colors, back one color,front five colors,back two colors, front four colors, back three colors.


  • Add: No. 2, Waijia Avenue, Nanbin Street, Ruian City
  • Tel:13958808300 086-577-65337601 65320208
  • Fax: 086-577-65337602
  • mailbox: zhong@cnjdyj.cn zhou@cnjdyj.cn
  • QQ:903555072 1073604853
  • Web:www.hzanyang.com www.chinajingda.com

Copyright@2018 Ruian Jingda Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.

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